Wednesday, January 31, 2007

A lil bit about me..

I'm a wife, a mother of four and a Grandma to one. My family is my life. My reason for doing what I do.
My hubby, a Navy man. I am so proud of him. I don't think he realizes that sometimes and I guess that's my fault. I'll have to work on that. I love him with all my heart. We by no means have the perfect marriage, but who does. We just need to become best friends again, I think in some ways we've lost that. I hope to get that back.
My oldest son, oh my goodness he has made this Momma proud. He has grown up to be such a good man. Through all life's obstacles, he's made it. From the day I brought him home he was always my little man. Yes, we got through those teenage years and made it out closer then ever. He is my confidante, and I'll always treaure him. Plus he and his girlfriend gave me one of the greatest gifts a child could give their parents. He made me a Grandma!! A beautiful lil' fella that I love so much!
My younger son, he is my partner in crime lol. I homeschool him so we spend a lot of time together. As parents we always love our kids but it's a blessing when you can really like them. He is intelligent and has such a big heart. I know he has big things ahead of him.
My oldest daughter, my little princess. She is a mini me. Not always a good thing, but God I love her. She is a bundle of emotions all wrapped into one little person. She keeps you on your toes because you never know what to expect from her. I cannot wait for her to grow up and see her as a young woman.
My youngest, my lil' miracle baby. She came so early but you would never know by looking at her now. She was a fighter from the time she took her first breath. Now she is a bundle of energy with a personality that is just so huge. She keeps me laughing all day long.
Then there is me. I am an emotional being, some will say that's putting it mildly, lol. But I wouldn't change a thing. OK, maybe I would take away the moodiness or the drastic PMS my family and friends have to deal with every month but other then that it's all good. I have a couple of self improvements that I'm working on. My weight is the big one, my organizational skills(I have none) and my tendency to procrastinate. All things on one of my many life lists. I'll share those at a later date.
So that is me. This is my journey. Pre-deployment, Deployment, preparing for Homecoming and everything that happens along the way. It will all be here. Hopefully at the end of this I'll be able to look back and learn a bit more about who I am. We'll see. ~ Christine


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