Thursday, April 5, 2007

life goes on.

I know that sounds so cold, but, it's our reality. I wake up, feed the kids, do some homework with Raymond and then we go about our day as usual. During those times it doesn't even feel like he's gone. I guess I feel like if I keep us busy enough we won't have time to miss him. In some ways it has worked. In others it hasn't. Our days go by fast. The nights, well that's another story. The lack of sleep I'm used to. The heartache I'm not. Having Bella cry for him, asking why he's gone every night. I tell her to remember he's our Superman. He’s out there doing his part to keep us safe. It calms her down. I wish I could figure out something to tell myself, something that would help me get through my sad times.

To think, this is only the beginning.


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