Sunday, July 8, 2007

Fear of the unknown...

Fear of making the wrong decision. There are just so many things going through my mind right now. I have a question. To be in love? Not in the simple sense but the down and dirty real life type of love. By any definition that is to mean having those feelings for someone where your heart feels like it’s going to beat right out of your chest. Where you feel like through all of life’s madness you still can find comfort, protection from that one person no matter what life is throwing at you. It’s that feeling that this person gives you that no one else in the world can come close to. You only feel like that when you’re in the presence of that person, that person who you know you want to spend the rest of your life with. Through the good times, the bad times and all those times in between. My mind is in shambles right now trying to piece together where that feeling is. Or is this just a progression relationships go through; where things just start to be. I don’t know what’s going on. All I know is this has to be figured out. In life we all strive to be happy. To attain that true happiness that everyone talks about. It’s not to much to ask, is it?

I ask myself how I got to this place of quandary and honestly all I can say is that it’s a ton of little things. Those little things that when pieced together seem to just break that fragile organ known as my heart.


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